
Showing posts from September, 2008

Zax Wang singing 我爱你这样深

From 2005 From 2007

I made this! haha

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what kind of man will you marry?

如果说女人是各式各样的,那么男人应该可以分为有限个类型,因为女人如水,水不停流动,辨不清方向形状,而男人如泥,却是有个模样类型可分。  女人最关注的男人应该就是就是自己最终会嫁的男人了,现在芊予就帮你预测一下,你会嫁给什么样的男人吧。 从这里开始:如果一位好朋友要远行,你认为他首选搭乘的交通工具是……       A飞机→转到第1题      B轮船→转到第3题    C火车→转到第2题   1.你和好朋友经常谈论的话题是:      彼此的心事→4  双方的近况,和生活中的琐事→5   2.你喜欢看奇幻小说吗?      不喜欢→5  喜欢→4 3.你的牙齿健康吗?   不太健康,经常需要看牙医→7  比较健康→6 4.你和异性的初次约会,你会把地点定在:    最新的娱乐场→9  气氛浪漫的酒吧→8     5.如果拥有一个花园,你希望种些什么?      种满玫瑰,让花园变得温馨美好→9   种植各种各样的花,使花园看起来色彩缤纷,不会单调→10 6.如果婚后和爱人出现了很大的隔阂,你会:   选择离婚→10  尽量弥补之间的落差,最好不离婚→11 7.你认为喜欢一个人需要理由吗?   也许是需要的→12  不需要→11 8.你很容易接受一个人的思想吗?   不太容易→14  容易→13  9.你更喜欢读哪一种类的小说?      《东方列车谋杀案》,《福尔摩丝探案集》→14  《飘》,《基督山伯爵》→15 10.你认为你自己更适合哪些形容词?   理智,成熟,冷静,沉默→16  单纯,冲动,活泼,亲切→15 11.你觉得养小动物是一件很麻烦的事情?   不是,是一种乐趣→17  是→16 12.你自认为是一个十足的唯物主义者?   不是→18  是的→17 13.你觉得爱情和亲情哪个比较重要?   亲情→14  爱情→F型 14.你喜欢称呼他人姓名的全称,还是另外起一个外号?      姓名的全称→G型  外号→15 15.你认为诚信有多重要?   非常重要→A型   很重要,但有时候也可以为了更重要的事情而违背→16 16.和爱人在一起,你会经常感到失落,并暗自流泪吗?   不会→17  会→D型 17.你觉得自己很幸福吗?   不是→18  是→C型 18.你觉得两个人在一起,性格互补重要,还是相近重要   相近→E型  互补→B型 测试结果: A、内敛...

Anti-global warming (super cold) blog


Maths Online help

How about a round of applause?

You look so dumb right now, standing outside my house Trying to apologize, you’re so ugly when you cry Please, just cut it out. It’s time to go Curtain’s finally closing. That was quite a show Very entertaining, but it's over now. Go on and take a bow.

H2 CHEM online help

Flat Abs

I fake a smile so he won't see

Drew looks at me, I fake a smile so he won't see That I want and I need everything that we should be I'll bet she's beautiful, that girl he talks about And she's got everything that I have to live without Drew talks to me, I laugh cause it's just so funny That I can't even see anyone when he's with me He says he's so in love, he's finally got it right, I wonder if he knows he's all I think about at night He's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar The only thing that keeps me wishing on a wishing star He's the song in the car I keep singing, don't know why I do Drew walks by me, can he tell that I can't breathe? And there he goes, so perfectly, The kind of flawless I wish I could be She'd better hold him tight, give him all her love Look in those beautiful eyes and know she's lucky cause So I drive home alone, as I turn out the light I'll put his picture down and maybe Get some sleep tonight He's the reason for ...

When it rains, the past gets washed away...