
Showing posts from 2010

give this a chance

Presenting Masked charity singer: WATERMAN! (super touching)

"阿嬷的话" 在细汉的时阵阮阿嬷对我尚好 甲尚好的东西拢会留乎我 伊嘛定定带我去幼稚园看人在七桃 看人在办公伙儿 看人在觅相找 伊定定跟阮说 叫阮着要好好仔读册 呒通大汉像恁老爸仔彼呢啊狼狈ㄛ 在彼个时阵 阮拢听拢呒 阿嬷 你到底是在讲什么 大汉了后 才知影阿嬷的话 我会甲永远永远放块心肝底 想到一步一步的过去 定定拢会乎人真难忘 时间一分一秒块过去 在阮的心内定定拢会想到伊 阿嬷你今嘛在叨位 阮在叫你你甘有听到 阮的认真甲阮的成功你甘有看到 阮在叫你你知影没 阿嬷你今嘛过的好么 甘有人块甲你照顾 希望后世人阮搁会冻来乎你疼 作你永远的孙仔 搁叫你一声阿嬷

Presenting Matsuda Satoshi!


A long forgotten conversation

Her: [Pause] Do you love me? Him: Of course I do. Her: How much? Him: I don't know . . . loads. To infinity and then some. Her: [Contentedly] Good. Him: That's that sorted, then. Her: [Playfully] So what would you do if I ever split up with you? Him: Are you going to do that? Her: No. Him: Then why are we talking about it? Her: It's called conversation. People do it all the time. Him: So let me get this straight, the question is what would I do if you hypothetically dumped me? Her: Yes. Him: Hypothetically nothing. Her: Nothing? Him: Well, as we're mad about each other it'd take me doing something pretty stupid for you to want to get rid of me. [Pause] Like if I started biting my own toenails or something. I'd dump me if I started doing that. Her: Do you always have to be so logical? Him: [Laughs] I'd be devastated. Destroyed. Dismantled. And other words beginning with "D." Her: But what would you do? Him: Do? [Pause] I would do everything in my po...
Very interesting personality test. Try it! I think it's super accurate.