The Eight of Chalices card reversed suggests that reality doesn't always live up to the fantasy. Denying a joyful or romantic life because of pride, self-pity or fear is a waste. It's worth the courage, sacrifice and effort to hold out for a genuine connection rather than to give into fears of being alone. It may seem easier to fake it, stick with what you know or wish for greener pastures, but ignoring it might only increase the level of longing, regret and anxiety, revealing emptiness where trust, intimacy and fulfilled commitment could be. Choose to take the road less traveled, walk away or instinctually do what is right for you, despite fears of facing the unknown. This involves great personal struggle, but it is worth it. Should you reach a point where you know a change is due, excuses can only further sap your energy and put off the inner transformation or quest for happiness, romance and love you deserve.


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